Since the conference was founded, in 1974, by the leading national laboratories, MSST (the International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology) has been a venue for massive-scale storage system designers and implementers, storage architects, researchers, and vendors to share best practices and discuss building and securing the world’s largest storage systems for high-performance computing, web-scale systems, and enterprises.

MSST 2024  will be returning on its 50th anniversary to its new home at Santa Clara University, where it will be hosted by the School of Engineering, and held from June 3rd through June 7th, 2024

Registration is available here (the early-bird registration rates end after May 14th, 2024).

Directions to the venue and hotel information is available here.

The Research CFP (now closed for paper submissions) is archived here, and the poster CFP here.

MSST 2024 is possible thanks to sponsorship and support from SCU’s School of Engineering, and Hammerspace.

June 3rd


8:30 – 9:30

Breakfast & Badge Pickup

A Continental breakfast will be provided from 8:30 to 9:30am.

Badge pick-up will continue from 8:30 to 4:30pm.

9:15 – 9:30

Welcome to Analytics for the Storage Practitioner

Gary Grider (LANL)

9:30 – noon

Columnar Analytics


Overview (what, how, ecosystem, implications on storage) Fernanda Foertter (Voltron Data)
Object Computational Storage Analytics Offload Qing Zheng (LANL)
Erasured Object Computational Storage Analytics Offload Donpaul Stephens (AirMettle)
Hardware Accelerated Columnar Analytics Offload Krishna Maheshwari (Neuroblade)

noon – 1:00


1:00 – 3:00

Row Analytics


Overview (what, how, ecosystem, implications on storage) Rob Johnson (Broadcom)
Hardware Accelerated Row analytics offload Tony Ashfary (PLiops)
Inline Hardware Acceleration for Network Packet Analytics Phil Chan (Eideticom)

3:30 – 4:30

GraphDB / Analytics


Overview (what/how/market/ecosystem/storage implications) Amine Mhedhbi (Polytechnique Montréal)

June 4th

Invited Track

8:00 – 9:00

Breakfast & Badge Pickup

A Continental breakfast will be provided from 8:00 to 9:00am.

Badge pick-up will continue from 8:30 to 5:00pm.

8:30 – 8:45

Welcome & Opening Remarks

8:45 – 10:15

Computational Storage 1


Open Object Computational Storage Pushdown Jongryool.Kim (Skhynix)
Open PNFS Pushdown Dominic Manno (LANL)
Hardware Accelerated Computational Storage analytics offload Krishna Maheshwari (Neuroblade)

1:30 – 3:00

Computational Storage 2/Media Trends 1


Erasured Object Computational Storage Analytics Donpaul Stephens (AirMettle)
Flash (SReInventing Secondary Storageamsung) Steffen Hellmold & Sebastian Kirsch (Cerabyte)

11:30 – 12:30

Keynote: Michael Cornwell (Pure) – “Storage Landscapes”

12:30 – 1:30


Badge pick-up will continue from 8:30 to 5:00pm.

1:30 – 3:00

Media Trends 2


Tape (Spectra) Nathan Thompson (Spectra)
Flash (Samsung) Young Paik (Samsung)

3:15 – 4:45

Data Lakes


Apache Data Lake Ecosystem Fernanda Foertter (Voltron Data)
Iceberg (Apple/LinkedIn/Stripe) Alex Merced (Dremio)
Tackling I/O Challenges in Modern Data Lakes Hope Wang (Alluxio)

4:45 – 5:00

Invited Track Day 1 Wrap-Up

Adam Manzanares (Samsung)

June 5th

Invited Track

8:00 – 9:00

Breakfast & Badge Pickup

A Continental breakfast will be provided from 8:00 to 9:00am.

Badge pick-up will continue from 8:00 to 5:00pm.

8:30 – 8:45

Welcome & Introduction for Day 2

8:45 – 9:45

A.I. Storage Case Studies 1


AI storage case studies Hari Kennan (Pure)
AI storage case studies David Flynn (Hammerspace)

10:00 – 11:30


A.I. Storage Case Studies 2


All Flash Storage Systems Devasena Inupakutika (Samsung)
AI storage case studies Caden Bradbury
AI storage case studies Andy Pernsteiner (VAST)

11:30 – 12:30

Keynote: Garth Gibson – “Storage for A.I.”

12:30 – 1:30


Badge pick-up will continue from 8:30 to 5:00pm.

1:30 – 3:00

Heterogenous Workloads


Disaggregated Storage based on NFS/RDMA for AI workload Sergey Platonov (Xinnor)
PNFS/NFS4.2 Diverse Workloads Trond Myklebust (Hammerspace)
Scalable Composable NVME Storage Matthew Williams (Cerio)

3:15 – 4:45

Distributed Storage Management


Open Community Distributed Storage Managment Dominic Manno (LANL)
Beyond BeeOND: A Proposal for Composable Storage Joe McCormick (ThinkparQ)

4:45 – 5:00

Invited Track Day 2 Wrap-Up

Rohan Puri (Samsung)

5:00 – 6:30


June 6th

Research Track

8:00 – 9:00am

Breakfast & Badge Pickup

A Continental breakfast will be provided from 8:00 to 9:00am.

Badge pick-up will continue from 8:00 to 5:00pm.

8:30 – 8:45am

Welcome Remarks

8:45 – 9:30am

Keynote: Hoshik Kim – “Memory & Storage: The Power of AI”

VP & Fellow of Memory Systems Research, SK Hynix

9:45 – 10:25am

Session 1: Archival Data

Session Chair –  Jonathan Tischio

Revisiting HDD Rules of Thumb: 1/3 Is Not (Quite) the Average Seek Distance (Best Paper Award Winner) [Intro Video] [PDF]

Serkay Olmez (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); John Bent (Los Alamos National Lab); Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau (University of Wisconsin–Madison); Yifan Dai (UW Madison)

BURST: A Chunk-Based Data Deduplication System with Burst-Encoded Fingerprint Matching [Intro Video] [PDF]

Bo Peng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Yingquan (Cody) Wu (SambaNova Systems); Ziyang Zhang, Jianguo Yao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Xue Liu (McGill University)

A Generic and Efficient Framework for Estimating Lossy Compressibility of Scientific Data [Intro Video] [PDF]

Md Hasanur Rahman (University of Iowa); Sheng Di (Argonne National Laboratory); Guanpeng Li (University of Iowa); Franck Cappello (Argonne National Laboratory) (moved to Session 6 on June 7th due to unavoidable travel delays)

11:00 – noon

Session 2: Long Live the Data

Session Chair – Peter Desnoyers

Repair I/O Optimization for Clay Codes via Gray-Code Based Sub-Chunk Reorganization in Distributed Storage Systems [Intro Video] [PDF]

Baijian Ma, Yuchong Hu, Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Ray Wu, Kevin Zhang (Inspur)

Cauchy-Merge: An Efficient Cauchy Matrix based Stripe Merging Method for Reed-Solomon Codes [Intro Video] [PDF]

Huangzhen Xue, Chentao Wu, Jie Li, Minyi Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China); Liyang Zhou, Shaoteng Liu, Xiangyu Chen (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China)

Minimizing Performance Degradation of RAID Recovery Through Pre-Failure Prediction [Intro Video] [PDF]

Jialin Liu, Yujiong Liang, Yunpeng Song (Software/Hardware Co-design Engineering Research Center, Ministry of Education, and School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University); Yina Lv (Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong); Liang Shi (Software/Hardware Co-design Engineering Research Center, Ministry of Education, and School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University)

noon – 1:30pm


Badge pick-up will continue from 8:30 to 5:00pm.

1:30 – 2: 30pm

Session 3: Log Structured Session

Session Chair – Yifeng Zhu

Prophet: Optimizing LSM-Based Key-Value Store on ZNS SSDs with File Lifetime Prediction and Compaction Compensation [Intro Video] [PDF]

Gaoji Liu (Arizona State University and Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai); Chongzhuo Yang (Arizona State University); Qiaolin Yu (Arizona State University and Cornell Tech University); Chang Guo (Arizona State University); Wen Xia (Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen); Zhichao Cao (Arizona State University)

SAS-Cache: A Semantic-Aware Secondary Cache for LSM-based Key-Value Stores [Intro Video] [PDF]

Zhang Cao (Arizona State University and Xidian University); Chang Guo (Arizona State University); Ziyuan Lv (Arizona State University and Tongji University); Anand Ananthabhotla (None); Zhichao Cao (Arizona State University)

A GPU-accelerated Compaction Strategy for LSM-based Key-Value Store System [Intro Video] [PDF]

Hao Zhou, Yuanhui Chen, Lixiao Cui, Gang Wang, Xiaoguang Liu (Nankai University)

2:45 – 3: 45pm

Session 4: Getting Real

Session Chair –  Erez Zadok

Dissecting I/O Burstiness in Machine Learning Cloud Platform: A Case Study on Alibaba’s MLaaS [Intro Video] [PDF]

Qiang Zou (Guangxi Minzu University); Yuhui Deng (Jinan University,China); Yifeng Zhu (University of Maine); Yi Zhou (Columbus State University); Jianghe Cai (Jinan University); Shuibing He (Zhejiang University)

Answering the Call to ARMs with PACER: Power-Efficiency in Storage Servers [Intro Video] [PDF]

Hankun Cao (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.); Shai Bergman (Huawei Zurich Research Center); Si Sun (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.); Yanbo Albert Zhou (University of Warwick); Xijun Li, Jun Gao (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.); Zhuo Cheng, Ji Zhang (Huawei Zurich Research Center)

Mitigating Write-ahead Log Contention on Shared Storage Devices [Intro Video] [PDF]

Lalitha Donga (Rochester Institute of Technology); Kayla Walton (Microsoft); Fangmin Lyu (Facebook); Ben Reed (San Jose State University)


4:00 – 5:00pm

Session 5: Cloudy With A Chance of Serverless

Session Chair – Zhichao Cao

FastStore: Optimization of Distributed Block Storage Services for Cloud Computing [Intro Video] [PDF]

Xiao Zhang, Huiru Xie, Zhe Wang (Northwestern Polytechnical University); Shujie Han (Peking University); Leijie Zeng, Wendi Cheng (Northwestern Polytechnical University)

FuncStore: Resource Efficient Ephemeral Storage for Serverless Data Sharing [Intro Video] [PDF]

Yijie Liu, Zhuo Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Jianhui Yue (Michigan Technological University); Hanxiang Huang, Song Wu, Hai Jin (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Balancing Costs and Durability for Serverless Data [Intro Video] [PDF]

Alex Merenstein (Stony Brook University); Xinran Wang (University of Minnesota); Vasily Tarasov (IBM Research); Prajjawal Agarwal (Stony Brook University); Scott Guthridge (IBM Research); Kapil Thakkar, Katherine Wu (Stony Brook University); Ali Anwar (University of Minnesota); Erez Zadok (Stony Brook University)

5:00 – 7:00pm


Poster Session

June 7th

Research Track

8:00 – 8:40

Breakfast & Badge Pickup

A Continental breakfast will be provided from 8:00 to 9:00am.

Badge pick-up will continue from 8:00 to 5:00pm.

8:40 – 10:00am

Session 6: Heterogeneity

Session Chair – Ahmed Amer

A Generic and Efficient Framework for Estimating Lossy Compressibility of Scientific Data [Intro Video] [PDF]

Md Hasanur Rahman (University of Iowa); Sheng Di (Argonne National Laboratory); Guanpeng Li (University of Iowa); Franck Cappello (Argonne National Laboratory)

Learning to Coordinate Read-Write Cache Policies in SSD [Intro Video] [PDF]

Yang Zhou, Fang Wang, Zhan Shi, Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

TieredMMS: A Portable Tiered Memory Management System [Intro Video] [PDF]

Song Wei, Minmin Ren, Chao Jia, Gang Wang, Longguang Yue, Xin Zhong, Haifeng Chen (China Unicom Cloud Data Co., Ltd., China Unicom Digital Technology Co., Ltd., China Unicom)

Minding the Semantic Gap for Effective Storage-Based Ransomware Defense [Intro Video] [PDF]

Weidong Zhu, Grant Hernandez (University of Florida); Washington Garcia (University of Dayton Research Institute); Dave (Jing) Tian (Purdue University); Sara Rampazzi, Kevin Butler (University of Florida)


Session 7: Flashy Session

Session Chair –  Mai Zheng

Adaptive Selection of Parity Chunk Update Methods in RAID-enabled SSDs [Intro Video] [PDF]

Fan Yang, Zhigang Cai, Jun Li (Southwest University); Balazs Gerofi (RIKEN Center for Computational Science); Francois Trahay (Telecom SudParis); Zhibing Sha, Mingwang Zhao, Jianwei Liao (Southwest University)

AUGEFS: A Scalable Userspace Log-Structured File System for Modern SSDs [Intro Video] [PDF]

Wenqing Jia, Dejun Jiang (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Jin Xiong (Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Fully Harnessing the Performance Potential of DRAM-less Mobile Flash Storage [Intro Video] [PDF]

Jaesun No (Samsung Electronics); Gyusun Lee (Sungkyunkwan University); Youngsok Kim, Jinkyu Jeong (Yonsei University)


Session 8: All Alone with the Memory

Session Chair – Qirui Yang

LodgeTree: A Last-Level Distributed and Surrogate Buffer Tree for Non-Volatile Memories [Intro Video] [PDF]

Chunfeng Du, Shengzhe Wang, Suzhen Wu (Xiamen University); Hong Jiang (University of Texas at Arlington); Jiahong Chen, Yingchao Ji, Bo Mao, Lvqing Yang (Xiamen University)

Dolphin: A Resource-efficient Hybrid Index on Disaggregated Memory [Intro Video] [PDF]

Hang An, Fang Wang, Dan Feng, Zefeng Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

H2KV: A Hotspot Awareness based Hybrid Fault-tolerant In-memory Key-Value Store [Intro Video] [PDF]

Lixiao Cui, Yingjie Geng, Gang Wang, Xiaoguang Liu (Nankai-Baidu Joint Lab, College of Computer Science, Nankai University)

12:30 – 1:30pm


Badge pick-up will continue from 8:30 to 5:00pm.


Session 9: Even More Flashy

Session Chair –  Ben Reed

PhasedRR: Read Reclaim Scheduling without Page-level Access Counting [Intro Video] [PDF]

Li Cai, Jun Li, Zhibing Sha, Zhigang Cai, Jianwei Liao (Southwest University of China)

Ensuring Compaction and Zone Cleaning Efficiency through Same-Zone Compaction in ZNS Key-Value Store [Intro Video] [PDF]

Sungjin Byeon, Joseph Ro (Sogang University, Seoul); Jun young Han, Jeong-Uk Kang (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.); Youngjae Kim (Sogang University, Seoul)

PhatKV: Towards an Efficient Metadata Engine for KV-based File Systems on Modern SSD [Intro Video] [PDF]

Yiwen Zhang, Guokuan Li, Kai Lu, Jiguang Wan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Ting Yao, Huatao Wu, Daohui Wang (Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd)



Panel: Emerging Memory Technologies

Session Chair –  Ming Zhao

David Emberson, HPE

Ronen Hyatt, UniFabriX

Pekon Gupta, Intel

Adam Manzanares, Samsung

Vishal Tanna, Micron

3:45 – 4:00pm

Research Track Wrap-Up