IEEE Computer Society MSST

Sponsored by the IEEE Mass Storage Systems
Technical Committee
IEEE Computer Society

April 16 — 20, 2012
Asilomar Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, CA

MSST 2012 Speaker

Dr. Jean-Ives Nief, CC-IN2P3

Jean-Ives Nief
Managing Petabytes of data with iRODS

CC-IN2P3, a national data center in France for academia, hosts more than fifty projects or experiments, spanning from high energy and nuclear physics to astrophysics and, now, Arts and Humanities, biology and biomedical applications. This talk will discuss the data management needs for such a facility, mainly driven by the fact that its users and other data processing sites, connected to CC-IN2P3, are spread around the world. iRODS is one solution used to manage the data from a wide variety of projects. Pitfalls and issues that can arise in the data management of data at the Petabyte scale will also be discussed. This talk will end up with some perspectives on future scalability and functionality.

After a Ph.D. in high-energy physics, Dr. Jean-Ives Nief worked as a post-doc on the BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center from 1999 to 2001, focusing on code development for the analysis software of the experiment. In 2002, he joined CC-IN2P3, a national computing center in France devoted to support national and international scientific collaborations in the field of high energy/nuclear physics as well as astroparticle physics for the biggest part, and now biology/biomedical and Arts & Humanities projects. He has been working in the field of object oriented databases (Objectivity), data access (xrootd) and data management (SRB, iRODS) for projects handling and processing massive amounts of information at the petabyte scale. Dr. Nief now leads the storage team at CC-IN2P3.

Page Updated January 12, 2024