IEEE Computer Society MSST

Sponsored by the IEEE Mass Storage Systems
Technical Committee
IEEE Computer Society

April 16 — 20, 2012
Asilomar Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, CA

MSST 2012 Research Track Keynote Speaker

Dr. Erik Riedel, EMC

Erik Riedel
Efficient & Convenient - How To Build Big Storage As A Cloud

The talk will outline a framework for thinking about compute + data at petabyte-and exabyte-scale. There are a set of technology innovations that have allowed "the cloud" to blossom, but they also build logically on twenty years of storage research and trends.

Cloud computing represents a clear computing and communications technology shift for many. Users no longer need control over the equipment or infrastructure that is "in the cloud" (public or private) to support them. This new model for delivering IT is not new to national labs or supercomputer centers, but is a change for many enterprises. The model is based on the Internet or fast internal networks and provides for management of web, data, and compute resources. It is massively scalable to support large, geographically dispersed content (data) and users (applications). Most importantly, since new technology only succeeds if it solves a problem more cheaply or more effectively than what it displaces, the new model provides levels of efficiency and convenience that traditionals models could not.

The talk wouldn't be complete if it didn't also mention flash, hard drives, APIs and energy consumption.

Dr. Erik Riedel, is Senior Director of Technology and Architecture in the Cloud Infrastructure Group at EMC in Cambridge, MA. The group builds scale-out storage for deployment in private and public clouds, with focus on scalability, robustness, metadata-informed policy, multi-tenancy and security.

Before joining EMC, Erik was Director of Interfaces and Architecture at Seagate Research in Pittsburgh, PA. The group he founded focused on novel devices with increased intelligence, performance, security and reliability, applicable to both multi-petabyte enterprise clusters and ad-hoc collections of consumer storage devices. He also worked at HP Labs in Palo Alto and spent time at Microsoft Research and Schlumberger Austin Research.

Erik has authored and co-authored more than a dozen granted patents and a number of pending patent applications, as well as numerous technical publications on a range of storage-related topics. He was a member of the SNIA Technical Council, and helped lead industry-wide education, promotion and standardization efforts for many years including object-based storage and energy-efficiency for storage.

Erik holds B.S., M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University. His thesis work was on Active Disks as an extension to Network-Attached Secure Disks (NASD). In 2010, he received the Distinguished Alumni award from the Parallel Data Lab (PDL) at Carnegie Mellon.

Page Updated January 12, 2024