30th International Conference
on Massive Storage Systems
and Technology (MSST 2014)

Santa Clara, California, USA
June 2 — 6, 2014

Sponsored by Santa Clara University,
Computer Engineering Department

Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society

2014 Research Program Committee

Ahmed Amer Santa Clara University Dirk Grunwald University of Colorado
Zvonimir Bandic HGST Haryadi Gunawi University of Chicago
James Borden Western Digital Corporation Dean Hildebrand IBM
John Bent EMC Hong Jiang University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Angelos Bilas University of Crete Darrell Long University of California, Santa Cruz
André Brinkmann Universität Mainz Ethan Miller University of California, Santa Cruz
Phil Carns Argonne National Laboratory Jehan-François Páris University of Houston
Yuval Cassuto Technion, Israel Rob Ross Argonne National Laboratory
Tony Cortes Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Thomas Schwarz SJ, Univ. Católica del Uruguay
Peter Desnoyers Northeastern University Meghan Wingate McClelland Xyratex
Michael Factor IBM Youjip Won Hanyang University
Sam Fineberg HP Qing Yang University of Rhode Island
Kevin Greenan Box Yifeng Zhu University of Maine

Page Updated January 12, 2024