30th International Conference
on Massive Storage Systems
and Technology (MSST 2014)

Santa Clara, California, USA
June 2 — 6, 2014

Sponsored by Santa Clara University,
Computer Engineering

Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society

MSST 2014 Speaker

Russ McElroy, eBay, Inc.

Russ McElroy
Scalable Digital Data Center Design

The paradigm of storage has and will continue to shift in even more dramatic ways in the next few years as NAND advances and storage class memory comes onto the scene. Now is the time for infrastructure providers and their suppliers to plan for the all-digital data center by incorporating solid state storage technology in even the most historically challenging areas. We will address TCO inflection points, the legacy challenges around using flash as flash and how the technologies will be critical to scaling out data centers now and in the future.

Russ McElroy is a Sr. Storage Manager responsible for storage architecture, strategy and vision for eBay Inc. including eBay Marketplaces and PayPal. He has 17+ years in e-commerce and payments DevOps. In previous roles, he took on the scaling challenges of search, analytics and cloud environments. His current focus is on converging all of eBay Inc.’s storage intensive environments including big data and high volume transactional workloads onto the cloud while leveraging open source, distributed commodity storage, flash and next generation memory class storage. He has a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from UC Davis.

Page Updated January 12, 2024