31st International Conference
on Massive Storage Systems
and Technology (MSST 2015)

Sponsored by Santa Clara University,
School of Engineering

Since the conference was founded by the leading national laboratories, MSST has been a venue for massive-scale storage architects, operators, researchers, and vendors to discuss building and securing the world's largest storage systems for high-performance computing, web-scale systems, and enterprises.

May 30th — June 5th

Santa Clara

Santa Clara

MSST 2015 Speaker

Kevin Deierling, Mellanox

Security in a converged network is being complicated by the demands to adopt cloud methodologies including multi-tenancy even in a secured private cloud setting. In many cases, storage becomes a key vulnerability in such an environment, and with sniffers and monitoring devices becoming the norm, it is critical to secure not just data access with proper authentication but also the storage interconnects themselves. The requirements needed to secure networked storage interconnects will be discussed with particular focus on achieving security in an increasingly virtualized and elastic environment that includes virtual machines, hyperivisor based scale-out software defined storage, and container based applications frameworks.

Kevin Deierling is Mellanox vice president of marketing responsible for enterprise, cloud, web 2, storage, and big data solutions. Previously, Mr. Deierling served in various technical and business management roles including chief architect at Silver Spring Networks, vice president of technology for Genia Technologies, vice president of marketing and business development at Spans Logic. Deierling has contributed to multiple technology standards through organization including the InfiniBand Trade Association and PCI Industrial Manufacturing Group. He has over 25 patents in the areas of security, wireless communications, error correction, video compression, and DNA sequencing, and was a contributing author of a text on BiCMOS design. Mr. Deierling holds a degree in Solid State Physics from UC Berkeley.

Page Updated January 12, 2024