31st International Conference
on Massive Storage Systems
and Technology (MSST 2015)

Sponsored by Santa Clara University,
School of Engineering

Since the conference was founded by the leading national laboratories, MSST has been a venue for massive-scale storage architects, operators, researchers, and vendors to discuss building and securing the world's largest storage systems for high-performance computing, web-scale systems, and enterprises.

May 30th — June 5th

Santa Clara

Santa Clara

MSST 2015 Speaker

Brent Gorda, Intel

Brent Gorda
           DAOS—An Architecture for Exascale Storage

Three emerging trends must be considered when assessing how HPC storage will operate at exascale. First, exascale simulation workflows will greatly expand the volume and complexity of data and metadata to be stored and analysed. Second, ever increasing core and node counts will require corresponding scaling of application concurrency while simultaneously increasing the frequency of hardware failure. Third, new NVRAM technologies will allow storage, accessible at extremely fine grain and low latency, to be distributed across the entire cluster fabric to exploit full cross-sectional bandwidth. This talk describes Distributed Application Object Storage (DAOS)—a new storage architecture that Intel is developing to address the scalability and resilience issues and exploit the performance opportunities presented by these emerging trends.

Brent Gorda has spent twenty-five years in the High Performance Parallel Computing community. As a long-time participant with the DOE labs, Brent was involved in the shift from vector to parallel computing. He was also involved in major system/architecture shifts including negotiating and holding the contract for the IBM BlueGene series of systems, software projects involving parallel languages and system tools and the Lustre storage project. In 2010, Brent started Whamcloud to focus on the Lustre file system. Whamcloud was acquired by Intel in 2012 and Brent currently runs the High Performance Data Division as a business unit involved in high performance I/O activities.

Page Updated January 12, 2024