33rd International Conference
on Massive Storage Systems
and Technology (MSST 2017)
May 15 — 19, 2017

Sponsored by Santa Clara University,
School of Engineering

Since the conference was founded by the leading national laboratories, MSST has been a venue for massive-scale storage system designers and implementers, storage architects, researchers, and vendors to share best practices and discuss building and securing the world's largest storage systems for high-performance computing, web-scale systems, and enterprises.

Hosted at
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA

2017 Research Program Committee

Research General Chair: Ahmed Amer, Santa Clara University
Program Chairs: Thomas Schwarz, Marquette University
Aleatha Parker-Wood, Symantec
Irfan Ahmad CloudPhysics Carlos Maltzahn University of California,
Santa Cruz
George Amvrosiadis Carnegie Mellon University John May Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Ahmed Amer Santa Clara University Dirk Meister Pure Storage
Deepavali Bhagwat IBM Almaden Kiran‑Kumar Muniswamy‑Reddy Amazon
John Bent Seagate Maria S. Perez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
André Brinkmann University of Mainz Donald Porter University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Philip Carns Argonne National Laboratory Raju Rangaswami Florida International University
Vijay Chidambaram University of Texas, Austin Robert Ross Argonne National Laboratory
Peter Desnoyers Northeastern University Galen Shipman Los Alamos National Laboratory
Avani Gadani Emory Dimitris Skourtis IBM Research
Dirk Grunwald University of Colorado, Boulder John Strunk NetApp
Xubin He Temple University Swaminathan Sundararaman Parallel Machines
Dean Hildebrand IBM Research Nisha Talagala Parallel Machines
Yu Hua Huazhong University of
Science and Technology
Vasily Tarasov IBM Research
Jim Hughes Apple Brent Welch Google
Ilias Iliadis IBM Zurich Meghan Wingate McClelland Seagate
Jinsoo Kim Sungkyunkwan University Matthew Wolf Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Xing Lin NetApp Gala Yadgar Technion
Jay Lofstead Sandia National Laboratories Jishen Zhao University of California,
Santa Cruz

Page Updated January 12, 2024