Hosted at

33rd International Conference
on Massive Storage Systems
and Technology (MSST 2017)
May 15 — 19, 2017

Sponsored by Santa Clara University,
School of Engineering

Since the conference was founded by the leading national laboratories, MSST has been a venue for massive-scale storage system designers and implementers, storage architects, researchers, and vendors to share best practices and discuss building and securing the world's largest storage systems for high-performance computing, web-scale systems, and enterprises.

Hosted at
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA

Tutorial Instructor

Stefano Maffulli, Dreamhost

Stefano Maffulli
Marketing and business development strategist, long time free/libre open source advocate, passionate about online communities and social interactions in real-time communication across multiple cultures. A skilled liaison between end users and development who also keeps an eye on what crowds can bring to the bottom line.

Interests include mobile, marketing, cloud computing, product development, business strategies and international community management.

Specialties: Online community management, strategic analysis, marketing, Free Software & Open Source, business strategy, corporate (micro)blogging.

Page Updated January 12, 2024