Hosted at

33rd International Conference
on Massive Storage Systems
and Technology (MSST 2017)
May 15 — 19, 2017

Sponsored by Santa Clara University,
School of Engineering

Since the conference was founded by the leading national laboratories, MSST has been a venue for massive-scale storage system designers and implementers, storage architects, researchers, and vendors to share best practices and discuss building and securing the world's largest storage systems for high-performance computing, web-scale systems, and enterprises.

Hosted at
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA

Invited Track Speaker

Dr. Michal Simon, CERN

Dr. Michal SimonDr Michal Simon

Dr. Michal Simon is a Software Engineer at the Storage Group in the CERN IT department. He is a graduate of Computer Science from Silesian University of Technology in Poland. He conducted research for his PhD thesis at CERN in the CMS Data Acquisition group. Subsequently, as a Senior Fellow, he joined the File Transfer Service project, one of the projects of critical importance for data management at CERN. Currently, Michal is one of the main developers of XRootD, the primary data access framework for the high-energy physics community. He is also involved in the EOS project, the main storage solution used at CERN.

Page Updated January 12, 2024