IEEE Computer Society MSST

Sponsored by the IEEE Mass Storage Systems
Technical Committee
IEEE Computer Society

April 16 — 20, 2012
Asilomar Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, CA

MSST 2012 Speaker

Dr. Walter B. Ligon III, Clemson University

Walter Ligon
Tutorial Abstract: OrangeFS Overview Tutorial

Starting with a brief history, followed by an overview of the architecture, and an explanation of the various user interfaces. Important features will be covered, as well as, a how-to on installation and configuration.

MSST Abstract: OrangeFS For The Clouds

PVFS v2 is currently undergoing a transformation into PVFS v3, otherwise known as OrangeFS. Orange will have a redesigned metadata model that allows it to go beyond the file systems of the last decade in order to focus on high performance cloud applications for the coming decade. This will include replication, hierarchical storage management, integration with archive, multiple semantic models, and powerful indexing capabilities. We will look at these areas and discuss their motivation and implementation.

Walter B. Ligon III received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992 and is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at Clemson University. For the past 18 years, Walt has worked in parallel I/O. Working with a number of national labs, Walt and his students developed the Parallel Virtual File System, an open source software system that allows parallel tasks to access data distributed across mutiple storage nodes. PVFS has been innovative in a number of areas, including its highly modular object-based architecture, distributed metadata, interface features, and avoidance of global synchronization. Walt is currently in the design phase of OrangeFS (PVFS 3.0) which will incorporate a much more widely distributed model for high performance cloud computing. Walt is also working on PXFS, a parallel I/O system for ParalleX that integrates the name space of memory and storage for Exascale computational systems.

Page Updated January 12, 2024