Chair, Ben Kobler, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Jack Cole, US Army Research Laboratory
Mass Storage Systems: A Perspective of the Future
Robert Cordella, Office of Research and Development
Clark E. Johnson, Jr., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chair Ben Kobler, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Jim Barnett, Schlumberger Austin System Center
Tom Leedy, National Institute of Standards and Technologies
Paul Livingston, Community Open Source Program Office
Rob Mairs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Barry Roginski, National Archive and Records Administration
Larry Tarbell, Department of Defense
Chair, Jimmy Berry, Department of Defense
Parris Caulk, Loral Aerosys
Bill Johnston, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Mike Shields, Department of Defense
Sam Coleman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Danny Teaff, IBM U.S. Federal Systems
Thomas Ruwart, University of Minnesota
Richard Lee, Data Storage Technologies, Inc.
Alex Bouzari, MegaDrive Systems, Inc.
Susan Hauser, National Library of Medicine
Gary Hull, Hughes STX
Hans Hinteregger, MIT Haystack Observatory
Chester W. Newell, Primelink Technologies, Inc.
Dave Schrodel, Convex Computer
Nick Short Jr., NASA/GSFC
John Watkinson, Run Length Limited
John Webber, Interferometrics, Inc.
Chris Wood, Maximum Strategy, Inc.
K. Yamamoto, Sony Corporation
Chair, Bernie O'Lear, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Demetrios Lignos, Quantum Corporation
Dave Osekavage, Storage Technology Corporation
Tim Gerchar, Exabyte Corporation
John J. Gniewek, IBM Corporation
Chair, Fynnette Eaton, National Archives and Records Administration
Mark H. Kryder, Carnegie Mellon University
Paul J. Sides, Carnegie Mellon University
Fernando Podio, National Institute of Standards and Technologies
Chair, P C Hariharan, Systems Engineering and Security, Inc.
Dan Gelbart, EMASS, Inc.
Mark Kryder, Carnegie Mellon University
Bill Oakley, LOTS Technology, Inc
Koichi Sadashige, Sadashige Associates
Dennis Speliotis, Advanced Development Corporation
John Stockton, Tamarack Storage Devices
Tracy Wood, Ampex Data Systems Corporation
Chair, Don Sawyer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Steve Louis, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sanjay Ranade, Infotech SA, Inc., Charles Linnett, U.S. Bureau of Census
Here's the Infobahn -- where's the data?
Gary Christensen, Network Systems
Chair, Bill Callicott
Hubble Space Telescope Data Archive and Distribution System - Lessons Learned
Joe Pollizzi, Space Telescope Science Institute
Crystal A. Goula, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Chair, John Berbert, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Jean-Jacques Bedet, Hughes STX
Adina Tarshish, NASA/GSFC
Jeanne Behnke, NASA/GSFC
Chair, Bruce Rosen, National Institute of Standards and Technologies
Theodore Johnson, University of Florida
Odysseas I. Pentakalos, University of Maryland