IEEE Computer Society

25th IEEE (MSST2008) Symposium on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies

September 22-25, 2008
Sheraton Inner Harbor
Baltimore, MD

Sponsored by the
Mass Storage Systems Technical Committee (MSSTC)
IEEE Computer Society

Conference Flyer Hotel Information Registration Information
Exhibitor Information Sponsorship Opportunities Organizing Committee


MSST Tutorials


CMPD'08 Workshop on Computing with Massive
and Persistent Data (Agenda)
  DAPS'08 Workshop on Digital Archive Preservation and Sustainability (Agenda)
  SNAPI08 5th IEEE International Workshop on
Storage Network Architecture and
Parallel I/Os (Agenda)
  KMS 2008 Key Management Summit (Agenda, Overview)
  SISW 2008 5th International IEEE Security in
Storage Workshop (Agenda)

Papers and Presentations

DAPS’08, Digital Archive Preservation and Sustainability
Chair, Ann Kerr
Scientific Digital Data as Cyberinfrastructure: Sustainable Digital Data Preservation and Access Network Partners
Lucy Nowell, Program Director, OCI
Exploring Collaborative Models for Sustainable Governance of Digital Collections of Scientific Data
Robert R. Downs, Robert S. Chen, Columbia University
Preservation Environment Federation
Reagan W. Moore, Arcot Rajasekar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Preserving and Sustaining NASA Data: Quirks and Trials
Ed Grayzeck, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Long-Term Digital Preservation (LTDP) Assessment – from Audit to Maturity Model
Shimon Agassi, Matthew Callery, Michael Factor, Dalit Naor, Shahar Ronen, IBM Haifa Research Lab
Preservation of Real-World Data: The Case for Preservation DataStores
Simona Cohen, Michael Factor, Dalit Naor, Leeat Ramati, Petra Reshef, Shahar Ronen, IBM Haifa Research Lab
The Role of Future Magnetic Tape Technology for Digital Archive, Preservation and Sustainability
Barry H. Schechtman, Information Storage Industry Consortium
Chair, Tom Ruwart
Power & Cooling Impact on Data Center Reliability and Availability
J. Ray Scott, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
NCSA’s Petascale Facility
Michelle Butler, NCSA
Energy Efficient Storage
Thomas M. Ruwart, Atrato
Data-Intensive Scalable Computing for Science
Julio López, Carnegie Mellon University
Failure in Supercomputers in the Post-Terascale Era
Garth Gibson, Carnegie Mellon University and Panasas Inc.
Data Intensive Scalable Computing
Randal E. Bryant, Carnegie Mellon University
Data-Intensive Computing with Hadoop
Milind Bhandarkar, Yahoo! Inc.
Building ground models of Southern California
Steve Schlosser, Michael Ryan, Dave O’Hallaron, Intel Research Pittsburgh, Julio López, Ricardo Taborda, Jacobo Bielak, Carnegie Mellon University
Data-Intensive Scalable Computing for Science: What we learned with the M45 experience
Julio López, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair, Ann Kerr
The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Materials
Andy Maltz, Director of the Science and Technology Council, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
Scalable Storage Meets Petaflops (part 1)
Chair, Steve Louis
HEC and LANL File Systems and I/O Efforts
John Bent, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Sequoiadendron Giganteum: Infrastructure for the Petascale Giants
Mark Gary, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
NSF/NCSA Blue Waters Mass Storage Infrastructures
Michelle Butler, NCSA
Scalable Storage Meets Petaflops (part 2)
Chair, Reagan Moore
ZEST: the Maximum Reliable Terabytes Per Second Storage for Petascale Systems
Paul Nowoczynski, PSC
DARPA PERCS Petascale Filesystems and Storage
Roger Haskin, IBM
Laurin Herr, Shaofeng Liu, Jurgen Schulze, UCSD
Scalable Storage Meets Petaflops (part 3)
Chair, Bill Kramer
Efficiencies in High Density Storage Arrays
Tom Ruwart, Atrato
Massive Digital Archive Systems (part 1)
Chair, Bob Chadduck
Evolution of the LAADS - A Petabyte-Scale Archive and Distribution System for Global Science Products from MODIS
Ed Masuoka, Scott Sinno, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Remote Data Checking: Auditing the Preservation Status of Massive Digital Data Sets on Untrusted Stores
Randal Burns, The Johns Hopkins University
NanoHub: Future Cyberinfrastructure - serving over 75,000 users today
Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University
Massive Digital Archive Systems (part 2)
Chair, Jean-Jacques Bedet
Openness, Growth, Evolution and Closure in Archival Information Systems - Lessons from the National Archives' Experience
Ken Thibodeau, NARA
Magnetic Media: Proven Method for the Retention & Recovery of Data
John Bordynuik, John Bordynuik Inc.
Massive Data Ingest and Analysis
Chair, Mike Mott
Large Scale, Real-Time Shared HPC SAN Design
Rob Plaster, RPC
The Need for Speed
Rick Reid, SGI Defense and Strategic Systems
Design Considerations for Large-Scale Storage Solutions
Evans Harrigan, Sun Microsystems
Pesky Physics: What it Means for Large Storage Solutions
Mike Mott, IBM
Dinner Speaker
Chair, Ann Kerr
Search and Information Retrieval Methodology and its Importance in the Conduct of Discovery of Electronically Stored Information in Civil Cases in America
The Honorable Paul W. Grimm, Magistrate Judge, United States District Court, District of Maryland
Emerging Storage Technologies Panel
Chair, Dick Watson
Magnetic HD and OBD
Dave Anderson, Seagate
Magnetic Tape and RAIT
Glen Jaquette, IBM
Solid State Disk in storage Hierarchies
Bill Moore, Sun Microsystems
Disruptive Technologies
Ed Schlesinger, CMU
Long Term Archival Storage Using Holographic Data Storage
Kevin Curtis, InPhase Technologies

Page Updated January 12, 2024