IEEE Computer Society MSST2001
Sponsored by the
Mass Storage Systems Technical Committee (MSSTC)
in cooperation with the
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


Ciprico SAIC Sun

Call for Papers


Author Instructions



Program Committee


Registration Form

Papers and Presentations

Tutorial – Emerging Standards Impacting Storage System Architectures
Chair, Jack Cole
Infiniband Specification
Tom Ruwart, Ciprico (bio)
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), Common Information Model (CIM) and Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM, "web-um")
Bruce Haddon, SUN (bio)
IEEE Media Management System and other Standards
Curtis Anderson, Integratus (bio)
Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Storage Networking Architecture
David Black, EMC (bio)
Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) Information Technology Standards, E-Commerce, Data Storage and Data Content
Betsy Fanning, AIIM (bio)
IETF's IP Storage (IPS)
David Black, EMC (bio)
XML: Summary of Emerging Information and Knowledge Management Technologies
Richard Marciano, Reagan Moore, SDSC (bio)
Chair, Ann Kerr Bache
Memory, Communication, Computation: Three Facets of An Underlying Reality
John Riganati, Sarnoff Corporation
Grid Session
Chair, Ethan Miller
Distributed Database Management Systems and the Data Grid
Heinz Stockinger, CERN (paper)
Secure, Efficient Data Transport and Replica Management for High-Performance Data-Intensive Computing
Ann Chervenak/ISI, Bill Alcock, Joe Bester, John Bresnahan, Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Sam Meder, Veronika Nefedova, Darcy Quesnel, Steven Tuecke (paper)
Knowledge-based Grids
Reagan Moore, SDSC (paper)
Lunch Speaker
Arms Control in the Information Age: World-Wide Data Acquisition, Analysis, Storage and Access in Near-Real-Time
Steven R. Bratt, Coordinator, International Data Centre, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (paper)
Storage Applications, Session A
Chair, Tom Ruwart
Architecture, Implementation, and Deployment of a High Performance, High Capacity Resilient Mass Storage Server (RMSS)
Terry Jones, Beata Sarnowska, Frank Lovato, David Magee, John Kothe, NAVOCEANO MSRC (paper)
Mass Storage on the Terascale Computing System
Nathan T.B. Stone, J. Ray Scott/PSC, John Kochmar, Jason Sommerfield, Ravi Subramanya, R. Reddy, Katie Vargo (paper)
Semantic oriented data access and storage at MPIM/DKRZ
Michael Lautenschlager/M&D/MPIM, Hannes Thiemann (paper)
File Systems
Chair, Rodney van Meter
Efficient Algorithms for Persistent Storage Allocation
Jim Challenger, Arun Iyengar/IBM, Shudong Jin (paper)
Active Disk File System: A Distributed, Scalable File System
Vikram Kapoor, Chirag Wighe, Hyeran Lim, David H.-C. Du, University of Minnesota (paper)
File System Performance Benchmarks, Then, Now, and Tomorrow
Thomas M. Ruwart, Ciprico (paper)
Invited Papers
Chair, Reagan Moore
The Future from the Perspective of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Larry Smarr, Director, Cal-(IT)2
Building the Archives of the Future
John Carlin, Archivist of the United States
Chair, John Berbert
High-Speed Data Transfer via HPSS using Striped Gigabit Ethernet Communications
Phil Andrews/SDSC, Tom Sherwin, Victor Hazelwood (paper)
SFIO, a Striped File I/O Library for MPI
Emin Gabrielyan/Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Roger D. Hersch (paper)
Two Case Studies of the Application of Dynamic Modeling Techniques in Performance Assessment and Prediction of Complex Shared Storage Architectures
Marti Bancroft, Phillip L. Snyder, Mark Woodyard, Sun Microsystems HPC Technology Engineering (paper)
Lunch Speaker
Handling Tomorrow's Environmental Observations: A Challenge for New Economy Pioneers
Gregory W. Withee, Assistant Administrator, NOAA/NESDIS
Storage Applications, Session B
Chair, Gene Harano
Building the Mass Storage System at Jefferson Lab
Andy Kowalski, Ian Bird, Bryan Hess SURA/Jefferson Lab (paper)
Simplifying the Web User's Interface to Massive Data sets
Roberta Allsman, ANUSF (paper)
A Massive Repository for the National Medical Knowledge Bank
Warren Sterling, NCR (paper)
2-Minute Poster Madness
Chair, Robert Chadduck
Architecture of the Secure File System
James P.Hughes,Christopher J.Feist, Storage Technology Corporation (paper)
Large-Scale Flexible Storage with SAN Technology
Phil Andrews, Tom Sherwin, Bryan Banister, SDSC (paper)
Retrieving Multimedia Objects from Hierarchical Storage Systems
Philip K.C.Tse, Macquarie University, Clement H.C.Leung, Victoria University (paper)
Video Server with Tertiary Storage
Hojung Cha, Jongmin Lee, Jaehak Oh, Kwangwoon University, Rhan Ha, Hong-Ik University (paper)
Characterizing Long Term Usage of a Mass Storage System at a Super Computer Site
Josh Neil, LANL (paper)
Software RAID Technology for Cluster Environments
Yoshitake Shinkai,Tetsutaro Maruyama,Naomi Yoshizawa, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. (paper)
WARP:Warp Around Data Placement Technique for Serpentine Tapes
Ali Esmail Dashti, Kuwait University (paper)
The US Geostationary Satellite Data Rescue
Denise Laitsch, University of Wisconsin
Jiro™ Management Applications
Gary Mueller, Storage Technology Corporation (paper)
Archive—Where it Started,and the Problems of Perpetuity
Parmesh Dwivedi, NOAA (paper)
Security in Storage Management:The Standards Question
Bruce K.Haddon, Sun Microsystems Inc. (paper)
Extemporaneous Talks
Chair: P C Hariharan
Fast File Transfer in a Secure Environment
Manfred Stolle, ZIB
Low-Cost Disc-Based Real-time Gbps Data System
Alan R. Whitney, MIT Haystack Observatory
Emerging Technologies
Chair, Merritt Jones
Physical Modeling of Probe-Based Storage
Tara Madhyastha/UCSC, Katherine Pu Yang (paper)
Multi-layer Optical Data Storage Based on Two-photon Recordable Fluorescent Disk Media
Haichuan Zhang, Edwin P. Walker, Wenyi Feng, Yi Zhang, Joannes M. Costa, Alexander S. Dvornikov, Sadik Esener, Peter Rentzepis, Call/Recall, Inc. (paper)
Compact Holographic Data Storage System
Tien-Hsin Chao, Hanying Zhou, Geoerge Reyes, JPL (paper)
Roundtable: Emerging Technologies
Chair, Richard Watson
Optical Tape
Bill Oakley, LOTS Technology
Magnetic Tape
Ted Schwarz, Peregrin Technology
Dave Anderson, Seagate
Hard Disk Drive System Architectures
Dave Hughes, Exadrive
Holographic Storage
Hans Coufal, IBM Almaden Research
Multilayer Optical Drives
Dr. Ingolf Sander, Constellation-3D
Vendor Presentations
Chair, Ben Kobler
Challenges and Solutions in Allocating Data in a SAN Environment
Bruce Naegel, VERITAS Software (paper) - The Data Management Service Provider
Felipe Cariño, Jr. and John Burgess, FileTek, Inc. (paper)
Enabling Data Management in a Distributed World
Brad Winett, DataDirect Networks
Jim Cook, INRANGE Technologies

Page Updated January 12, 2024