IEEE Computer Society

24th IEEE (MSST2007) Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

September 24-27, 2007
Paradise Point Resort and Spa
San Diego, CA

Sponsored by the
Mass Storage Systems Technical Committee (MSSTC)

IEEE Computer Society

Call for Papers

Author Instructions


Vendor Expo Information

MSST Agenda

Tutorial Descriptions


Archival Storage Life Cycle Management Workshop


4th International Workshop
on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os

SISW 2007

4th International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop

Papers and Presentations

Message from the Chairs
Conference and Program Committees
Preservation DataStores: Architecture for Preservation Aware Storage (pp. 3-15)
Michael Factor, Dalit Naor, Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Leeat Ramati, Petra Reshef, Julian Satran, IBM Haifa Research Lab, David L. Giaretta, Science and Technology Facilities Council
GreenStor: Application-Aided Energy-Efficient Storage (pp. 16-29)
Nagapramod Mandagere, Jim Diehl, David Du, University of Minnesota
Modeling the Impact of Checkpoints on Next-Generation Systems (pp. 30-43)
Ron A. Oldfield, Rolf Riesen, Sandia National Laboratories, Patricia J. Teller, Maria Ruiz Varela, Sarala Arunagiri, University of Texas, Seetharami Seelam, IBM
Data Grids
Storage Resource Managers: Recent International Experience on Requirements and Multiple Co-Operating Implementations (pp. 47-59)
Lana Abadie, et. al.
Grid-Enabled Standards-based Data Management (pp. 60-71)
Lana Abadie, et. al.
Quota enforcement for high-performance distributed storage systems (pp. 72-84)
Kristal T. Pollack, Darrell D. E. Long, Richard A. Golding, Ralph A. Becker-Szendy, IBM, Benjamin Reed, Yahoo Research
Securing Storage
Implementing and Evaluating Security Controls for an Object-Based Storage System (pp. 87-99)
Zhongying Niu, et. al.
Trustworthy Migration and Retrieval of Regulatory Compliant Records (pp. 100-113)
Soumyadeb Mitra, Marianne Winslett, University of Illinois, Windsor H. Hsu, Xiaonan Ma, IBM
Capability based Secure Access Control to Networked Storage Devices (pp. 114-125)
Michael Factor, Dalit Naor, Eran Rom, Julian Satran, Sivan Tal, IBM Haifa Laboratory
Object-Based Storage
Enabling database-aware storage with OSD (pp. 129-142)
Aravindan Raghuveer, University of Minnesota, Steven W. Schlosser, Intel, Sami Iren, Seagate
Design and Implementation of a Network Aware Object-based Tape Device (pp.143-156)
Dingshan He, Nagapramod Mandagere, David Du, University of Minnesota
Providing Quality of Service Support in Object-Based File System (pp.157-168)
Joel C. Wu, Scott A. Brandt, UCSC
Making Storage More Reliable
Efficient Logging and Replication Techniques for Comprehensive Data Protection (pp. 171-184)
Maohua Lu, Shibiao Lin, Tzi-cker Chiueh, Stony Brook University
Partial Disk Failures: Using Software to Analyze Physical Damage (pp. 185-198)
Hai Huang, IBM, Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan
RAIF: Redundant Array of Independent Filesystems (pp. 199-212)
Nikolai Joukov, Arun M. Krishnakumar, Chaitanya Patti, Abhishek Rai, Sunil Satnur, Avishay Traeger, Erez Zadok, Stony Brook University
Short Papers
TPT-RAID: a High Performance Box-Fault Tolerant Storage System (pp. 215-220)
Yitzhak Birk, Erez Zilber, Israel Institute of Technology
Tornado Codes for MAID Archival Storage (pp. 221-226)
Matthew Woitaszek, Henry M. Tufo, University of Colorado
Cryptographic Security for a High-Performance Distributed File System (pp. 227-232)
Roman Pletka, AdNovum Informatik AG, Christian Cachin, IBM
Implementation and Evaluation of a Popularity-Based Reconstruction Optimization Algorithm in Availability-Oriented Disk Arrays (pp. 233-238)
Lei Tian, et. al.
Performance Evaluation of Multiple TCP connections in iSCSI (pp. 239-244)
Bhargava K. Kancherla, Ganesh M. Narayan, K. Gopinath, Indian Institute of Science
E-Beam Hard Disk Drive Using Gated Carbon Nano Tube Source and Phase Change Media (pp. 245-250)
William S. Oakley, NanoScale Storage Systems
The RAM Enhanced Disk Cache Project (REDCAP) (pp. 251-256)
Pilar Gonzalez-Ferez, Juan Piemas, Universidad de Murcia, Toni Cortes, Barcelona Supercomputer Center
Inter-node Communication in Peer-to-Peer Storage Clusters (pp. 257-262)
André Brinkmann, Sascha Effert, University of Paderborn
Attribute Storage Design for Object-based Storage Devices (pp. 263-268)
Ananth Devulapalli, Dennis Dalessandro, Pete Wyckoff, Ohio Supercomputer Center, Nawab Ali, Ohio State University
Cost Analysis of the X-code Double Parity Array (pp. 269-274)
Alexander Thomasian, Jun Xu, New Jersey Institute of Technology
CASTOR: A Distributed Storage Resource Facility for High Performance Data Processing at CERN (pp. 275-280)
Giuseppe Lo Presti, Olof Barring, Alasdair Earl, Rosa Maria Garcia Rioja, Sebastien Ponce, Giulia Taurelli, Dennis Waldron, Miguel Coelho Dos Santos, CERN
Using Comprehensive Analysis for Performance Debugging in Distributed Storage Systems (pp. 281-286)
Andrew W. Leung, Eric Lalonde, Jacob Telleen, James Davis, Carlos Maltzahn, UCSC
Hybrid Host/Network Topologies for Massive Storage Clusters (pp. 287-292)
Asha Andrade, Ungzu Mun, Dong Hwan Chung, Alexander E. Mohr, Stony Brook University
Early Experiences in Managing Inter-Site Storage Area Networks Using Secure Web Services (pp. 293-298)
Ben Kobler, NASA, Fritz McCall, Mike Van Opstal, University of Maryland, Hoot Thompson, Kirk Hunter, Patuxent Technology Partners
Flushing Policies for NVCache Enabled Hard Disks (pp. 299-304)
Timothy Bisson, Scott A. Brandt, UCSC
Author Index

Page Updated January 12, 2024