IEEE Computer Society

20th IEEE / 11th NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

April 7-10, 2003
Paradise Point Resort
San Diego, CA

Sponsored by the
Mass Storage Systems Technical Committee (MSSTC)
in cooperation with the
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center



Call for Papers   On-Line Call


Author Instructions

Tri-Fold Flyer

Hotel Information

Save-the-Date Flyer

Vendor Expo Information

Registration Form

Vendor List

On-Line Registration

Papers and Presentations

Tutorials Chair, James Hughes
LAN, SAN, MAN, WAN: Making an Intelligent Choice for your Storage
Silvano Gai, Andiamo
Management Interoperability and Extensibility in Storage Area Networks
Roger Reich, VERITAS Software, Inc.
Encrypted Storage
James Hughes, StorageTek
Shared Storage Systems
Paul Rutherford, ADIC
Welcome & Keynote
Chair, Ben Kobler
The New (Old) Challenges for Technology Infrastructure Today
Greg Bishop, America Online
Bio & Abstract
Chair, Jack Cole
Data Grids, Collections, and Grid Bricks
Arcot Rajasekar, Michael Wan, Reagan Moore, George Kremenek, Tom Guptill, San Diego Supercomputer Center (paper)
Correct Modeling of Cache Replacement Policies in a Data-Grid
Ekow Otoo, Arie Shoshani, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (paper)
A Centralized Data Access Model for Grid Computing
Phil Andrews, Tom Sherwin, Bryan Bannister, San Diego Supercomputer Center (paper)
Site Reports
Chair, Gene Harano
Building Cost-Effective Remote Data Storage Capabilities for NASA's EOSDIS
Stephen Marley, Raytheon, Mike Moore, NASA GSFC, and Bruce Clark, EDS (paper)
Archive Management: The Missing Component
Howard J. Diamond, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (paper)
An overview of a large-scale data migration
M. Lübeck, A. Valassi, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (paper)
Short Papers
Chair, Robert Chadduck
Towards Optimal I/O Scheduling for MEMS-based Storage
Hailing Yu, Divy Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara (paper)
A Case for the Global Access to Large Distributed Data Sets using Data Webs Employing Photonic Data Services
Robert L. Grossman, Yunlong Gu, Dave Hanley, Xinwei Hong, Jorge Levera, Marco Mazzucco, Laboratory for Advanced Computing,
University of Illinois at Chicago
Design and Implementation of Multiple Addresses Parallel Transmission Architecture for Storage Area Network
Bin Meng, Patrick B. T. Khoo, T. C. Chong, MCSA Group, NST Division - Data Storage Institute, Affiliated with the National University of Singapore (paper)
Storage Devices, Local File System and Crossbar Network File System Characteristics,
and 1 Terabyte File IO Benchmark on "Numerical Simulator III"
Naoyuki Fujita, Hirofumi Ookawa, National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan (paper)
Views, Objects, and Persistence for accessing a High Volume Global Data Set
Richard T. Baldwin, US DOC NOAA National Climatic Data Center (paper)
NAS Switch: A Novel CIFS Server Virtualization
Wataru Katsurashima, Satoshi Yamakawa, Takashi Torii, Jun Ishikawa, and Yoshihide Kikuchi, Internet Systems Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation (paper)
NSM: A Distributed Storage Architecture for Data-Intensive Applications
Zeyad Ali, Qutaibah Malluhi, Jackson State University (paper)
Implementing and Evaluating Jukebox Schedulers Using JukeTools
Maria Eva Lijding, Sape Mullender, and Pierre Jansen, University of Twente (paper)
Media Stability and Life Expectancies of Magnetic Tape for Use with IBM 3590 and Digital Linear Tape Systems
J. S. Judge, R. G. Schmidt, R. D. Weiss, Arkival Technology Corp., G. Miller, Univ. Of New Hampshire (paper)
The Fermilab Data Storage Infrastructure
Jon Bakken, Eileen Berman, Chih-Hao Huang, Alexander, Moibenko, Donald Petravick, Michael Zalokar, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (paper)
High Bandwidth Scientific Data Management using Storage Area Networking: Lessons Learned at the Starfire Optical Range
Terry S. Duncan, Kirtland Air Force Base (paper)
NCDC the "One Stop Shop" for all NEXRAD WSR-88D Level II Data Services
Stephen A. Del Greco, National Climatic Data Center (paper)
Chair, P. C. Hariharan
Design of the iSCSI Protocol
Kalman Z. Meth, Julian Satran, IBM Haifa Research Lab (paper)
A Performance Analysis of the iSCSI Protocol
Stephen Aiken, Dirk Grunwald, Andy Pleszkun, University of Colorado (paper)
Architectural Considerations and Performance Evaluations Of Shared Storage Area Networks
at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Hoot Thompson, Patuxent Technology Partners, Curt Tilmes, Robert Cavey, Bill Fink, Paul Lang,
Ben Kobler, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (paper)
Emerging Object/Active-Storage Technologies
Co-Chairs, Richard Watson (presentation), Paul Rutherford

Representatives from user, vendor, and research organizations will discuss the many critical challenges in achieving location-transparent, secure, and high-performance access to distributed storage resources.
GRID Perspective
Reagan Moore, SDSC
ASCI User Perspective
 Gary Grider, LANL
Academic and Panasas Perspectives
Garth Gibson, CMU, Panassas
Academic Perspective
Ethan Miller, UCSC
IBM and Standards Perspectives
Julian Satran, IBM
EMC Perspective
David Black, EMC
Seagate and Standards Perspectives
Dave Anderson, Seagate
Chair, Jean-Jacques Bedet
Reliability Mechanisms for Very Large Storage Systems
Qin Xin, Ethan L. Miller, Darrell D. E. Long, Scott A. Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz,
Thomas Schwarz, Santa Clara University, Witold Litwin, Université Paris (paper)
Software-based Erasure Codes for Scalable Distributed Storage
Joseph A. Cooley, Jeremy L. Mineweaser, Leslie D. Servi, Eushiuan T. Tsung, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (paper)
Towards an Object Store
Alain Azagury, Vladimir Dreizin, Michael Factor, Ealan Henis, Dalit Naor, Noam, Rinetzky, Ohad Rodeh,
Julian Satran, Ami Tavory, Lena Yerushalmi, IBM Haifa Research Laboratories (paper)
Vendor Solutions
Chair, Ben Kobler
Design and Implementation of a Storage Repository Using Commonality Factoring
Eric Olsen, Jim Hamilton, Avamar Technologies (paper)
Design and Implementation of Block Storage Multi-Protocol Converter
Irina Gerasimov, Alexey Zhuravlev, Mikhail Pershin, Dennis V. Gerasimov, TechnoMages, Inc (paper)
IP SAN — From iSCSI to IP-addressable Ethernet Disks
Peter Wang, Robert Gilligan, Henry Green, Jeff Raubitschek, Intransa, Inc. (paper)
Enabling Advanced Data Management with Sun  StorEdge™ QFS/SAM-FS 4.0
Harriet Coverston, Sun Microsystems
StorageNetworks' STORos™ StorageManager Software
Jack Domme, StorageNetworks
Extemporaneous Talks
Chair, Jim Hughes
Storage and Biometrics, Information Assurance
Jack Cole
Network-Attached Storage
Chair, Ethan Miller
A Scalable Architecture for Clustered Network Attached Storage
Jonathan Bright, Bright Consulting Group, John A. Chandy, University of Connecticut   (paper)
zFS - A Scalable distributed File System using Object Disks
O. Rodeh, U. Schonfeld, A. Teperman, IBM Labs, Haifa University (paper)
The Concept and Evaluation of X-NAS: a Highly Scalable NAS System
Yoshiko Yasuda, Shinichi Kawamoto, Atsushi Ebata, Jun Okitsu, Tatsuo Higuchi, Hitachi, Ltd. (paper)
File Systems
Chair, Curtis Anderson
Using Multiple Predictors to Improve the Accuracy of File Access Predictions
Gary A. S. Whittle, Jehan-François Pâris, University of Houston, Ahmed Amer, University of Pittsburgh,
Darrell D. E. Long, University of California, Santa Cruz, Randal Burns, Johns Hopkins University  (paper)
Peabody: The Time Traveling Disk
Charles B. Morrey III, Dirk Grunwald, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder   (paper)
SPIRAL: A Client-Transparent Third-Party Transfer Scheme for Network Attached Disks
Xiaonan Ma, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University  (paper)
Storage Architectures
Chair, Merritt Jones
Effective Management of Hierarchical Storage Using Two Levels of Data Clustering
Ratko Orlandic, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology   (paper)
A Simple Mass Storage System for the SRB Data Grid
Michael Wan, Arcot Rajasekar, Phil Andrews, Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center (paper)
Efficient Metadata Management in Large Distributed Storage Systems
Scott A. Brandt, Lan Xue, Ethan L. Miller, Darrell D. E. Long, Storage Systems Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz (paper)

Page Updated January 12, 2024