IEEE Computer Society

27th IEEE (MSST2011) Symposium on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies

Presentations and Papers

IEEE Computer Society

Massive Storage Systems and Technology (Tutorials)

Internet and Media Companies
Chair, Sean Roberts, Yahoo!
Cloud storage: trends and questions
Geoff Arnold, Cloud Services Wrangler, Yahoo
Joshua McKenty, Founder, Piston Cloud Computing Inc.
Joshua McKenty, Founder, Piston Cloud Computing Inc.
Lessons Learned from a Global DB
Patrick Quaid, Cloud Technical, Yahoo
Storage Infrastructure Design and Management at Scale
Chris King, Principle Storage Architect, LinkedIn
Implementation problems and design principles
Sean Roberts, Storage Strategy, Yahoo

Massive Storage Systems and Technology

Chair, Sam Coleman
Experience with 30PB of Data from the LHC
Michael Ernst, Brookhaven National Laboratory and the ATLAS collaboration
Experience at the Petabyte Scale
Chair, Mark Gary
Livermore Computing Data Archives Supporting HPC Simulation
Steve York, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Data Serving Climate Simulation Science
Ellen Salmon, NASA Center for Climate Simulation
Addressing Scalable I/O Challenges for Exascale
Ron Oldfield, Sandia National Laboratory
Storage Technology
Chair, Reagan Moore
Simplifying Collaboration in the Cloud
Dave Fellinger, Data Direct Networks
NOAA's National Climatic Data Center's Plan for Reprocessing Large Datasets
Alan Hall, NCDC
Parallel File Systems & Storage Architecture
Ercan Kamber, RAID, Inc.
High Availability Tape
Chair, Harry Hulen
Operational concepts and methods for using RAIT in high availability tape archives
Harry Hulen, IBM (Paper)
Tape Logical Block Protection
Kevin Butt, IBM and T10/SSC Working Group (Slide Show File with animation)
Tape Media Reliabilty
Todd Abrahamson, Imation Government Services
Tape Library Based Data Integrity Verification
Molly Rector, Spectra Logic
Why RAIT for BlueWater at NCSA?
Michelle Butler, NCSA
Evolving Requirements and Long-Term Needs (1)
Data Preservation in High Energy Physics
Dimitri Ozerov
EMI-Data: The Unified European Data Management Middleware
Patrick Fuhrmann
EGI-InSPIRE Current Requirements & Outlook
Maria Girone, EGI-InSPIRE
Evolving Requirements and Long-Term Needs (2)
Evolving WLCG data access strategy and storage management strategies
Ian Fisk, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the CMS Collaboration
Management and Architecture
Chair, Jamie Shiers
Bridging the peta- to exa-scale I/O gap
Peter Braam, Xyratex
Alternative Architectures for Mass Storage
Dan Duffy, Goddard Space Flight Center
Federating Databases and File Systems through Policy-Based Data Management
Reagan Moore, UNC-CH

SNAPI 2011
7th IEEE International Workshop on
Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os

Welcome and Keynote
Chair, Raju Rangaswami, Florida International University
Exa‐Scale FSIO - Can we get there? Can we afford to?
Gary Grider, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Chair, Youjip Won, Hanyang University
Qualifying Reliability of Solid-State Storage from Multiple Aspects
Hairong Sun, Bob Wood, and Pete Grayson, Fusion IO (Paper)
Addressing Scalability and Consistency issues in Hybrid File system for BPRAM and NAND Flash
Quan Taizhong, Jinsoo Yoo, Youjip Won, and Jaemin Jung, Hanyang University (Paper)
A Program Context-Aware Data Separation Technique for Reducing Garbage
Collection Overhead in NAND Flash Memory
Keonsoo Ha and Jihong Kim, Seoul National University (Paper)
If it's not Parallel ...
Chair, Ron Oldfield, Sandia National Laboratory
Reliable MPI-IO through Layout-Aware Replication
Seung Woo Son, Samuel Lang, Robert Latham, Robert Ross, and Rajeev Thakur
Argonne National Laboratory (Paper)
Towards Simulation of Parallel File System Scheduling Algorithms with PFSsim
Yonggang Liu and Renato Figueiredo (University of Florida), Dulcardo Clavijo, Yiqi Xu, and Ming Zhao
Florida International University (Paper)
Scalable Distributed Directory Implementation on Orange File System
Shuangyang Yang, Walter B. Ligon III, and Elaine C. Quarles, Clemson University (Paper)
Benchmarking and RAID
Chair, Ming Zhao, Florida International University
Hierarchical RAID (HRAID): Organization, Operation, Reliability, and Performance
Alexander Thomasian and Yujie Tang, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Paper)
A Statistical Evaluation of the Impact of Parameter Selection on Storage System Benchmarks
Nohhyun Park, Weijun Xiao, Kyubaik Choi, and David J. Lilja, University of Minnesota (Paper)

Massive Storage Systems and Technology (Research Track)

Invited Talk
Preserving Bread Crumbs
Mary G. Baker, HP Labs
Workload Characterization and Steering
Chair, Ron A. Oldfield
Understanding and Improving Computational Science Storage Access through Continuous Characterization
Philip Carns, Kevin Harms, William Allcock, Charles Bacon, Samuel Lang, Robert Latham, Robert Ross (Paper)
Performance Modeling and Analysis of Flash-based Storage Devices
Howie Huang, Shan Li, Alex Szalay, Andreas Terzis (Paper)
YouChoose: A Performance Interface Enabling Convenient and Efficient QoS Support for Consolidated Storage Systems
Xuechen Zhang, Yuehai Xu, Song Jiang (Paper)
Finding Data in Flash
Chair, Ethan L. Miller
S-FTL: An Efficient Address Translation for Flash Memory by Exploiting Spatial Locality
Song Jiang, Lei Zhang, Xinhao Yuan, Hao Hu, Yu Chen (Paper)
Hot Data Identification for Flash-based Storage Systems Using Multiple Bloom Filters
Dongchul Park, David H.C. Du (Paper)
WAFTL: A Workload Adaptive Flash Translation Layer with Data Partition
Qingsong Wei, Bozhao Gong, Suraj Pathak, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Lingfang Zeng, Kanzo Okada (Paper)
Short Papers
Chair, Dean Hildebrand
Performance Models of Flash-based Solid-State Drives for Real Workloads
Simona Boboila, Peter Desnoyers (Paper)
Sampling-based Garbage Collection Metadata Management for Flash-based Storage
Biplob Debnath, Srinivasan Krishnan, Weijun Xiao, David J. Lilja, David H. C. Du (Paper)
Data Allocation Strategies for the Management of Quality of Service in Virtualised Storage Systems
Felipe Franciosi, William Knottenbelt (Paper)
RAID6L: A Log-Assisted RAID6 Storage Architecture with Improved Write Performance
Chao Jin, Dan Feng, Hong Jiang, Lei Tian (Paper)
AoE Storage Protocol Over MPLS Network
Marek Landowski, Paul Curran (Paper)
A Forest-structured Bloom Filter with Flash Memory
Guanlin Lu, Biplob Debnath, David H. C. Du (Paper)
Using XML and XQuery for Data Management in HPSS
Michael Meseke (Paper)
Evaluation model for long term data archiving systems in the context of Earth Observation
Ruben F. Perez, Oscar Perez, Oscar Portela, Antonio Saenz, Amalio Nieto, Rosemarie Leone, Mirko Albani, Vincenzo Beruti (Paper)
DBLK: Deduplication for Primary Block Storage
Yoshihiro Tsuchiya, Takashi Watanabe (Paper)
The NASA Center for Climate Simulation Data Management System: Toward an iRODS-Based Approach to Scientific Data Services
John Schnase, William P. Webster, Lynn A. Parnell, Daniel Q. Duffy (Paper)
A Technique for Moving Large Data Sets over High-Performance Long Distance Networks
Bradley Settlemyer, Jonathan Dobson, Stephen Hodson, Jeffery A. Kuehn, Stephen Poole, Thomas Ruwart (Paper)
Heat-Based Dynamic Data Caching: A Load Balancing Strategy for Energy- Efficient Parallel Storage Systems with Buffer Disks
Ziliang Zong, Xiao Qin, Xiaojun Ruan, Mais Nijim (Paper)
Interfaces and Virtualization
Chair, Brent Welch
Flexible, Modular File Volume Virtualization in Loris
Raja Appuswamy, David C. Van Moolenbroek, Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Paper)
Object-based SCM: An Efficient Interface for Storage Class Memories
Yangwook Kang, Jingpei Yang and Ethan L. Miller (Paper)
Design and Evaluation of Oasis: An Active Storage Framework based on T10 OSD Standard
Yulai Xie, Kiran-Kumar Muniswamy-Reddy, Dan Feng, Darrell D.E. Long, Yangwook Kang, Zhongying Niu and Zhipeng Tan (Paper)
How to do Good Research in Storage
Chair, André Brinkmann
Summary of Panel
Sean Roberts, Brent Welch, David Du, Ethan Miller
Green Storage and the Cloud
Chair, Shankar Pasupathy
Reliability-Aware Energy Management for Hybrid Storage System
Wes Felter, Anthony Hylick, John Carter (Paper)
Semi-RAID: A Reliable Energy-Aware RAID Data Layout for Sequential Data Access
Li Xiao, Tan Yu-An, Sun Zhizhuo (Paper)
ZoneFS: Stripe Remodeling in Cloud Data Centers
Lanyue Lu, Dean Hildebrand, Renu Tewari (Paper)
Making Flash Faster and Cleaner
Chair, Matthew O'Keefe
Harmonia: A Globally Coordinated Garbage Collector for Arrays of Solid-state Drives
Youngjae Kim, Sarp Oral, Galen M. Shipman, Junghee Lee, David A. Dillow, Feiyi Wang (Paper)
Rejuvenator: A Static Wear Leveling Algorithm for NAND Flash Memory with Minimized Overhead
Muthukumar Murugan, David H. C. Du (Paper)
Boosting Random Write Performance for Enterprise Flash Storage Systems
Tao Xie, Janak Koshia(Paper)

Page Updated January 12, 2024