IEEE Computer Society MSST


IEEE Computer Society

April 16th — 20th, 2012
Asilomar Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, CA

Massive Data Storage (Tutorials)

Monday, April 16th
Chair, Sean Roberts, Yahoo!
Lustre Metadata Scaling
Andreas Dilger, Whamcloud
ceph: distributed storage for cloud infrastructure
Dr. Sage Weil, Ceph
Petabyte-scale Data with Apache HDFS
Matt Foley, Hortonworks
GPFS: Building Blocks and Storage Tiers
Dr. Ray Paden, IBM
OrangeFS Overview Tutorial
Dr. Walter Ligon, Clemson

Massive Data Storage

Tuesday, April 17th
Tackling the Next Generation of HPC Challenges...Delivering Scalability, Stability and
Simplified Management for Massive Data, Storage and Compute
Peter Ungaro, Cray
Technical Talks
Trends in Scalable Storage System Design and Implementation
Dr. Matthew O’Keefe, University of Minnesota
OrangeFS for the Clouds
Dr. Walter Ligon, Clemson University
Lustre Future Development
Andreas Dilger, Whamcloud
the ceph distributed storage system
Dr. Sage Weil, Ceph
PB Sized Storage Systems Are Not Unusual
Dr. Ray Paden, IBM
High Availability HDFS
Matt Foley, Hortonworks
A parallel file system — made in Germany
Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Fraunhofer ITWM
Extemporaneous talks on file system needs and experiences
Reducing I/O Bottlenecks with Numerical Compression
Al Wegener, Samplify Systems
Future of File Systems, panel
Dr. Matthew O'Keefe, University of Minnesota, chair
Panel members include speakers from the Tuesday sessions

Wednesday, April 18th
Featured Speaker
Technology Roadmap Comparisons for TAPE, HDD, and NAND Flash: Implications for Data Storage Applications
Dr. Robert Fontana, IBM
Technical Talks
Exploring Efficiencies in Data Reduction, Analysis, and Distribution
Dave Fellinger, DataDirect Networks
JPL Mission to Mars: A Study in Data Volume and Storage
Stephen O’Hearn, JPL
Non-Technical, Technical Aspects of HPC Storage
Dr. Jeffrey Layton, Dell
Solid State Storage in Massive Data Environments
Erik Eyberg, Texas Memory Systems
Managing petabytes of data with iRODS
Dr. Jean-Yves Nief, CC-IN2P3
Digital Preservation at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Gary Wright, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Paper)
Limits of Scalability for Large Archives
Henry Newman, Instrumental
Efficient Digital Media Workflows using the Linear Tape File System (LTFS)
Arnon Amir, IBM
Can we Archive a Trillion things?! Distributing & Scaling HPSS Metadata Operations
David Boomer, IBM
Managing Large Archives, panel
Dr. Jeffrey Layton, Dell, chair
Panel members include speakers from the Wednesday sessions

MSST/SNAPI Research Track
(ZIP File Containing All Research Papers)

Thursday, April 19th
Introduction and Keynote
Efficient & Convenient - How To Build Big Storage As A Cloud
Erik Riedel, EMC
Flash 1
Integrating Flash-based SSDs into the Storage Stack
Raja Appuswamy, David C. van Moolenbroek, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands (Paper)
Active Flash: Out-of-core Data Analytics on Flash Storage
Simona Boboila, Peter Desnoyers, Northeastern University
Youngjae Kim, Sudharshan Vazhkudai, Galen Shipman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Paper)
Flashy Prefetching for High-Performance Flash Drives
Ahsen Uppal, Ron Chiang, Howie Huang, George Washington University (Paper)
Mercury: Host-side Flash Caching for the Data Center
Steve Byan, James Lentini, Anshul Madan, Luis Pabon, Michael Condict, Jeff Kimmel, Steve Kleiman, Christopher Small, Mark Storer, NetApp (Paper)
Parallel Objects and Failure
On the Role of Burst Buffers in Leadership-Class Storage Systems
Ning Liu, Christopher Carothers, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jason Cope, Philip Carns, Robert Ross, Argonne National Laboratory
Gary Grider, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Adam Crume, Carlos Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz (Paper)
vPFS: Bandwidth Virtualization of Parallel Storage Systems
Yiqi Xu, Dulcardo Arteaga Clavijo, Yiqi Xu, Ming Zhao, Florida International University
Yonggang Liu, Renato Figueiredo, University of Florida
Seetharami Seelam, IBM (Paper)
On the Speedup of Single-Disk Failure Recovery in XOR-Coded Storage Systems: Theory and Practice
Yunfeng Zhu, Liping Xiang, Yinlong Xu, University of Science and Technology of China
Patrick P. C. Lee, Yuchong Hu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Paper)
An Active Storage Framework for Object Storage Devices
Michael Runde, Wesley G. Stevens, Paul Wortman, John A. Chandy, University of Connecticut (Paper)
Short Papers 1
A New High-performance, Energy-efficient Replication Storage System with Reliability Guarantee
Jiguang Wan, Chao Yin, Changsheng Xie, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Jun Wang, University of Central Florida (Paper)
HRAID6ML: A Hybrid RAID6 Storage Architecture with Mirrored Loging
Lingfang Zeng, Dan Feng, Jianxi Chen, Wenguo Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Qingsong Wei, A*STAR, Singapore
Bharadwaj Veeravalli, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Paper)
Write Amplification due to ECC on Flash Memory or Leave those Bit Errors Alone
Sangwhan Moon, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, Texas A & M University (Paper)
Storage Challenges at Los Alamos National Lab
John Bent, EMC
Gary Grider, Aaron Torres, LANL (Paper)
Adaptive Pipeline for Deduplication
Jingwei Ma, Xiaoguang Liu, Gang Wang, Bin Zhao, Nankai University (Paper)
Shortcut-JFS: A Write Efficient Journaling File System for Phase Change Memory
Eunji Lee, Seunghoon Yoo, Jee-eun Jang, Seoul National University
Hyokyung Bahn, Ewha University (Paper)

Friday, April 20th
Deduplication in SSDs: Model and Quantitative Analysis
Jonghwa Kim, Sangyup Lee, Ikjoon Son, Jongmoo Choi, Dankook University, Korea
ChoongHyun Lee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sungroh Yoon, Korea University, Korea
Hu-ung Lee, Sooyong Kang, Youjip Won, Jaehyuk Cha, Hanyang University, Korea (Paper)
Design of an Exact Data Deduplication Cluster
Jürgen Kaiser, Dirk Meister, André Brinkmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Sascha Effert, Christmann Medien- und Informationstechnik (Paper)
Estimation of Deduplication Ratios in Large Data Sets
Danny Harnik, Oded Margalit, Dalit Naor, Dmitry Sotnikov, Gil Vernik, IBM (Paper)
Short Papers 2
Jitter-Free Co-Processing on a Prototype Exascale Storage Stack
John Bent, Sorin Faibish, Percy Tzelnic, EMC
Jim Ahrens, Gary Grider, John Patchett, Jon Woodring, LANL (Paper)
Enhancing Shared RAID Performance Through online Profiling
Jiguang Wan, Jibin Wang, Jianzong Wang, Changsheng Xie, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Qing Yang, University of Rhode Island (Paper)
Exploiting superpages in a nonvolatile memory file system
Sheng Qiu, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, Texas A & M University (Paper)
SLO-aware Hybrid Store
Priya Sehgal, Kaladhar Voruganti, Rajesh Sundaram, NetApp (Paper)
A QoS Aware Non-work-conserving Disk Scheduler
Pedro Rocha, Luis Carlos Erpen de Bona, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (Paper)
Valmar: High-Bandwidth Real-Time Streaming Data Management
David Bigelow, Scott Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz
John Bent, EMC
HB Chen, LANL (Paper)
Flash 2
ADAPT: Efficient Workload-Sensitive Flash Management Based on Adaptation, Prediction and Aggregation
Chundong Wang, Weng-Fai Wong, National University of Singapore (Paper)
NANDFlashSim: Intrinsic Latency Variation Aware NAND Flash Memory System
Modeling and Simulation at Microarchitecture Level
Myoungsoo Jung, Ellis Herbert Wilson III, Mahmut Taylan Kandemir, Pennsylvania State University
David Donofrio, John Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Paper)
BloomStore: Bloom-Filter based Memory-Efficient Key-Value Store for Indexing of Data Deduplication on Flash
Guanlin Lu, EMC
David H.C. Du, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Young Jin Nam, Daegu University, Korea (Paper)

Page Updated January 12, 2024